Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bates Motel Pilot

I love the streak that television is on right now.  Now A&E is adding an original series that looks like it has immense potential?  I'm all for it.  Screw Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC.  The only quality shows on those networks are comedies for the most part.  So if A&E wants to follow in the footsteps of AMC, please do it.

The pilot wasn't perfect, and I'll voice some complaints later in this post, but it is without question good television.  There was this creeping sense of dread throughout this whole episode and it's not just because you know the end result for Norman Bates.

I'll confess two things before I continue: I don't really like horror movies.  It's not my thing.  Also, I've never seen Psycho, although I have seen the iconic scene and I am aware of Bates' modus operandi.

This is the second true horror television series I will have ever watched.  American Horror Story, through five episodes, is funnier than it is scary and I don't think the creators intended that to be the case.  This show is full on a horror show as I don't think I laughed once though.

The performance of Vera Farmiga is absolutely phenomenal.  She plays the part of an overbearing (to the extreme), jealous, caring, and straight up attention-seeking mother seamlessly.  There's a seen where she puts herself down, obviously so Norman will say something good about it.  I hate that so incredibly much.  There's also a very creepy sexual undertone between the mother and son.  

The son is played well by Freddie Highmore, except his voice bothers me.  It's a weird accent and it's off-putting.  He does nail the shy and reserved guy who, on the inside, could be murderous as fuck.  It's pretty clear in the beginning his transition will be slow and steady so don't expect him to randomly go psycho on anybody.  

Now for some problems with this show.  First off, what in the hell with every girl on screen fawning over Norman, including his OWN mother?  (I'm aware the latter is pretty central to the story, just making a point).  So he sits on a bench waiting for the bus and BOOM five girls come up to him and start flirting hardcore immediately. Then his teacher tells him to stay after class and not so subtly indicates she wants him.

Norman doesn't even have to do anything.  He has no game.  I don't understand female attractiveness to guys at all, but I'm pretty sure every girl in the school won't just throw themselves at him.  He's got a weird vibe to him and pretty sure girls would be slightly put off by that.

Also, this is a small town I believe.  And apparently they have a night club for teenagers.  I don't really understand how that party came to fruition, because even if I accept that the small town did have an awesome nightclub, why are high school students in there?  They can't be in there.  There's an age limit.  And if that's at a house, then I guess the creators missed that most high school students are broke.  (They could have basically made the same point in that scene and made it look like a realistic high school party so I don't understand.)

Anyway, those are my two complaints, one minor and the other slightly major in my opinion.  (I can kind of guess where the major problem is headed as well which would make me have less of a problem with it).

There's also a pretty enticing cliffhanger that I want to find more about.

In summary, Farmiga steals the show and drives the episode.  I wasn't really looking to add a show, but I will be watching the rest of the first season.

Grade - B+

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