Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friends: Pilot Episode

This is a new series where I watch a Friends episode and comment on it and hopefully be objective enough to grade it accurately.

This has been in the planning for quite some time.  Ever since I decided to start doing episode reviews of The Sopranos, doing the same for Friends episodes was always in the back of my mind.  I thought I'll do it in the summer when I have time.  Well, the changing of months from May to June was as good of an excuse as any to start.

To try and understand the impact of Friends on my life would be difficult.  I grew up on Friends.  It was my entry into television in a way.  Sure, I watched television before, but most of it was watched because it was just on.  I never had really gotten into a series before I got into Friends.  To my memory, there was never a bad Friends episode so objectivity will probably not be achieved in these posts.

I will do my best to try and analyze this from a critical standpoint, though I think the incredible fleshing out of all six characters is about the only thing necessary in this no-risk and relatively safe sitcom.  That and be funny.

I am aware of the type of show this is now that I've been exposed to more television.  It provides the same formula, follows the traditional sitcom strategy, and never really aims to be anything other than hilarious.  It's just six funny characters with a well-written script that just tries to make the audience laugh.

I guess I'll comment on the theme song and this will be the last time I do that.  This song is pretty much perfect for a sitcom.  It's catchy and stays in your head and when it starts playing, you are instantly geared up for the episode.  Also, the "I'll be there for you" line kind of took on a double meaning as in the show would be there for the viewers to enjoy as well as the obvious friends are there for each other.

Also, I'll be watching the DVD versions of these episodes so you might catch a quote or comment that didn't actually appear in the original episode.  Probably won't be a problem, but just a warning if you are caught off guard.  (Of course anybody who would catch that would probably have the DVDs anyway)

Wow does this episode get nearly every character down-pat immediately.  Chandler is sarcastic and has a quip about everything.  He talks about a dream he had when he was naked with a phone "THERE" and when he picks it up, it was his mother.  "Which is very weird, because she never calls."  Bam, right there you have Chandler's relationship with his parents established, whether purposely or not at the time.

Then there's poor Ross.  You get an idea of his character in that he wants to be married and seems to always be a down-on-his luck guy (which he remains for the rest of the series).  Hell, Monica is somewhat established early on when she says that she got a call from her mother about how she'll never have grandchildren, showing early on what her mother thinks of her in comparison to Ross.

Joey talks about how Ross needs to get over this by going to a strip joint.  Pheobe's weirdness is evident early as well with her comment asking if Monica's non-date eats chalk.  By the way, this all happens before the 4 minute mark of the show.

Anyway, this is a well-done pilot that lays some groundwork for future episodes.  Friends isn't really a continuity show, but things that happen in episodes usually stick for good.  In this episode, Rachel becomes the waitress of Central Perk.  The Ross and Rachel relationship seed starts in this very episode.  The "dragging out" of their relationship actually makes sense so far since Ross is just getting divorced and Rachel just deciding not to get married.

Rachel right now is very shallow and materialistic in this episode.  The writers get a lot of humor out of this, but thankfully they change her character over time otherwise I think she would become unbearable as the snobby and spoiled brat.  I will be tracking her development in these reviews.  I remember it as a gradual process but never really paid attention when she really became reliant on herself and the traits of brattiness had completely dissipated.

There's more just friends kicking it and less plot than in most episodes.  Monica goes on a date, Ross, Chandler and Joey make a bookshelf (kind of), and Rachel starts her own life.  The rest of the time is spent talking about dreams, or making fun of a Spanish soap opera, things that basically have nothing to do with the plot, but more shows the everyday life banter of friends.

At this point, you can relate to most of the characters except Joey and Phoebe.  Apparently, there was a big controversy about Monica having sex on the first date, but when they showed it to support groups, they actually related to her more.  I'm not sure if the "not having sex for two years" thing would actually work though.  Wouldn't that make her more likely to wait or at least expect you to want to wait?

Rachel moving into Monica's apartment was kind of awkward and kind of just happened.  Also, why wasn't Monica invited to the wedding?  They never really explored how Monica and Rachel fell out of favor with each other in the series.  Just seems kind of strange.  I don't really think they could have made a scene where it actually made sense though and brushing it off as a joke wasn't a terrible idea.

Friends Sex Count
Somebody decided to count all the times each of the friends had sex and I'm going to do a count of my own.  It needs to be specifically shown on screen or referenced that it happened.  Joey probably had sex with Julie or whatever but it wasn't mentioned so it doesn't count.

Monica: 1
Rest: 0

"Does he eat chalk?  Just cause I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl." - Phoebe's character in a nutshell

"Whoa.  This guy says hello and I want to kill myself." - Joey talking about Ross, whose misfortune is always hilarious

"And you never knew she was a lesbian?" - Chandler
"No!  Why does everyone keep fixating on that?  If she didn't know, how should I know?" - Ross

"Tuna or egg salad?  DECIDE" - Chandler mimicking the Spanish soap opera - Not sure this will be as funny in print unless you know how the line is delivered

"Well, maybe I don't need your money. WAIT I said maybe!" - Rachel

"Oh, pff, Aruba, this time of year, talk about your............. big lizards" - Ross

"Between us, we've never had a relationship that's lasted longer than a mento.  But you however have had the love of a woman for four years.  Four years of closeness and sharing.  At the end of which, she ripped your heart out and that is why we don't do it.  I don't think that was my point!"- Chandler to Ross about him and Joey

"I honestly don't know if I'm hungry or horny." - Ross
"Then stay out of my freezer" - Chandler

"Do you know how long it's been since I grabbed a spoon?" Do the words 'Billy don't be a hero' mean anything to you?" - Ross

"I got to go. I got a date with Andrea.  Angela?  Andrea?" - Joey
"Andrea's the screamer, Angela has cats" - Chandler
"Right.  It's Julie!" - Joey

"I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than to get you into bed" - Ross

"Welcome to the real world!  It sucks!  You're going to love it." - As accurate a description of life I've found

Grade - A

"Still" - Geto Boys
"Burn it Down" - IRV DA PHENOM
"I Love It" - Icona Pop ft. Charli XCX
"She's So High" - Tal Bachman
"Atlantis to Interzone" - Klaxons

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