Monday, August 19, 2013

Breaking Bad: "Buried"

This episode had a lot of plot to get through.  I liked this episode less than the pilot, but so many things move and nothing really stuck out as bad that I didn't mind a whole lot.  Things are clearly being put in place to set up the future.

That could sound like I'm complaining that this episode is only really about moving the plot forward, because usually that tends to be a weakness.  Thankfully, it feels pretty natural and in character so again a plot episode isn't bad, I just found it less interesting.

Walt has played his card and immediately calls Skylar, but he's beaten by Hank to the punch.  Hank meets Skylar in a restaurant and I like how slowly we realize Hank wants to get Heisenberg so much, he doesn't particularly care what will happen to Skylar if she tells.  He's more so intent on getting Walt at all costs.

His dinner conversation shows his pride is hurt (further shown in a scene with Marie where he says he plans to quit when he tells them his brother-in-law was Heisenberg) with Skylar.  People don't give Skylar enough credit as a character.  She holds her own and figures out what Hank's doing pretty quickly.

Then Hank uses Marie to try and get Skylar to break.  I think Skylar remained quiet both because she was trying to figure out what to do and to not say anything incriminating.  Also, she clearly felt bad as Marie came to the realization that she knew about Walt when Hank got shot.  That scene led to a slap in the face - a good one at that.  Walt getting punched and Skylar getting slapped has to be a parallel in that the lines are drawn as its the White family versus the Schrader family.

Also, Lydia's not going away any time soon as she's kind of terrifying in her brief scene.  Willing to wipe out the drug runners, but not willing to look at the carnage? Damn, that's... that's some cowardice right there.  Also, Todd and his "connections" are responsible as Lydia needs a better batch to send to Czech Republic.  Again, Todd feeling no remorse for helping kill ten people or so, but then tenderly helping Lydia walk back to her car?  You've got to love the writing on this show.

Jesse continues losing his shit and I wonder if this will lead anywhere.  I mean I know it will lead somewhere, just if Jesse will help convict Walt or not.  I don't think he will personally, which kind of makes that cliffhanger less impactful for me.  There's six episodes left so he certainly could.

So six episodes left and they somehow have to make up about nine months worth of time leading to the destruction of the White home, Heisenberg being known as Walt, and Walt apparently separated from his family with the need for a huge gun that you don't buy if you're desperate.  Not sure how they'll do it, but I have as little doubt as I can that they will do something spectacular and fascinating.

A theme is that none of the characters are looking so great right now.  I fear Hank's life has to be in danger since Lydia and Todd are probably coming after Walt now to get him to cook.  Jesse was caught with a bag full of money, and although he's distraught enough to not say anything, that's not really a good position to be in.  Saul was threatened to "get sent to Belize", which might be foreshadowing of some sort.  (And if the spinoff makes you think differently, they could do a prequel)  So, I guess the question for me is who dies first, because there will be deaths aplenty.

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