Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015 Top Ten Comedies

** If you read my top ten dramas post, you can safely skip these introductory paragraphs.  It's pretty much the same thing I said then.  If you haven't read it, go ahead and click on this link.

I made the foolish decision to make an end-of-the-year top ten list.  Most top ten lists come out before Christmas, but there was just no time for me to watch what I felt I needed to watch in order to come up with the best possible list.  Given that the holidays provide loads of opportunity of free time, it was also more convenient.  I don't regret that decision either.  The comedy list would have looked a hell of a lot different.

For my order, I decided to list them backwards from 10 to 1 and then afterwards list the honorable mentions.  I feel by abstaining from listing the honorable mentions until afterwards, you might actually have some doubt as to what will come towards the top.  Also, I don't want to list your favorite show in the honorable mention, you'll get mad and then not read the rest of the post.

Both lists are what I think are the best, but I will admit a certain element of how much I enjoy the show comes into play.  By that I mean, there are a few shows that could technically be described as better than some in the top ten, but whenever I put them in there, it just felt wrong.  It felt like I was putting it in there only because I felt it was supposed to be in there and not because I thought it was one of my top ten shows of the year.

Anyway my opinions are my own and there's really no need to be offended that I didn't include your favorite show.  There's a decent chance I don't even watch it too.  I'm fairly certain Bob's Burgers most recent year would be strongly considered for comedy, but I'm just not caught up to the show and it was not possible for me to do so.  I've wasted enough words introducing this list so let's just get on with it.

*I only count episodes that air in 2015.  Most of the shows in this list have the entire season air in 2015, but for shows like The Flash that still follow the traditional network television format, 2015 covers one half of two different seasons.  To stay on that example, I'm not technically counting the first nine episodes of the first season of The Flash.

#10 Another Period - Comedy Central (Season 1)
I factored in originality a lot in my picks for both comedies and dramas.  If I felt the show was drastically different than other shows I've seen in 2015 or even ever before, I would probably put it ahead of other shows that perhaps might be considered better.  That is the case with Another Period.  It is a show that is essentially a parody of two things that are very mock-worthy, Downton Abbey and reality television.  It's an odd mix, but it works for this show.  This show evidently came about because someone - presumably Natasha Leggero or Riki Lindhome - thought "What if entitled rich people back in the early 1900s had reality television?"

And... it's probably not a lot different from what Another Period presents, as cartoonish as it tends to get.  We are talking about the reality television here.  Take the stereotypes of that era and the people inhabiting that era and then, because it's reality television, take the craziest of that stereotype and have those people play up their actions for the camera?  Yeah it's not hard to envision at all.

Anyway, I've never seen Leggero in anything except the Comedy Central roasts - and honestly she wasn't that great - but she seems perfectly suited for the tone of this show.  Similarly, I've never seen Lindhome in anything, but I kind of want to watch Garfunkel and Oates.  Jason Ritter is apparently hilarious in anything he appears in, because between this and Drunk History, that dude can make me laugh.  Also Paget Brewster is constantly trying to sound dignified while being high on morphine.  Unfortunately, the show loses Artemis Pebdani after the pilot and her replacement is but a shell of her.

Model Episode - "Switcheroo Day" (S1 E7)

This episode has a pretty sitcom plot actually with two of the servant characters being able to act like they are in the upper class.  One takes the role and pretty much doesn't change (arguing against the lower class funny enough), and the other takes the role and relishes it (by cruelly tormenting the servants).  Also Lillian orchestrates her own kidnapping because that's just the type of person she is.

#9 Bojack Horseman - Netflix (Season 2)

Bojack Horseman comes at a bit of a disadvantage for me in that I watched it directly after a show that dealt with similar issues and it just completely pales in comparison for me.  Needless to say that show will be showing up later in this post.  Nonetheless, Bojack Horseman is a show that deals with a character deep in depression.  Another character isn't sure how to add meaning to her life.  These issues are dealt with seriously and before servicing laughs.

But these issues do not come at the expense of laughs.  It's still a funny show, and at times very silly.  It really likes to make animal-related jokes and Vincent Adultman is still a character so you know it's not all serious, all-the-time.  But the voice actors bring their A game to this show.  Hell, Allison Brie seems to voice characters I only learn she voices later (Vincent Adultman???) and the somewhat famous guest stars always seem to go unrecognized by me during the episode.

Model Episode "Escape from LA" (S2 E11)

I'm curious, when picking the model episode, whether I should pick a show that best represents whatever show I'm talking about or pick the best episode.  I've been picking the best episode so far, and usually the best episodes of a show are the ones that diverge from their typical episode.  Thus, "Escape from LA" is certainly not your usual Bojack Horseman as Bojack gets to see what living like a (relatively) normal family life only for him to fuck things up in the most horrific way imaginable.  Well I'm sure I could think of something more horrific, but you get my point.

#8 Parks and Recreation - NBC (Season 7)

Parks and Recreation is one of those shows that honestly would have found its way on this list one way or the other almost regardless of quality.  I *know* that seasons 4-6 weren't as good as its prime, but I also know I enjoyed those seasons way more than most comedies.  So I have basically no way of being objective about the quality of Parks and Recreation.  But I actually think season seven was pretty good.  This will sound weird - because it's only two spots - but if I just wanted it in for the sake of it being on this list, it would be 10th.  (The implication being that it would not actually be my 10th best pick were I not insistent on having it on here.)

I think I said it on my top ten drama post, but for shows that aired and finished early in the year, I tend to have trouble remembering specifics of the season.  So I tend to lean more on the great episodes to help guide me.  I know Parks and Recreation began the season with Ron and Leslie at odds and I know that the show would never, ever end with them at odds because that's just not the type of show it is.  But the show did two interesting things with this concept.  First off, given their very natures, it actually seems very inevitable that they would eventually both be stubborn enough to fight over a small issue and not resolve their differences.  I'd say the only reason that it didn't happen before season seven is because the writers didn't really want a multi-episode conflict between two main characters.  While I have no doubt it would have made for some good television, Parks and Rec just isn't the show that's going to have its two characters have a season-long conflict against each other.  Secondly, the way the show handled their eventual reconciliation was one of their greatest episodes.

Model Episode - "Leslie and Ron" (S7 E4)

Like I said above, I think this is one of their greatest episodes.  They took advantage of the time jump by having Leslie and Ron have a previous fight that festered and continued for at least a year.  Both got to see what life was without the other and neither liked it all that much, especially Ron.  It's not hard to see why Leslie likes Ron - she's naturally inclusive of other people and fiercely loyal.  But Ron has always been a mystery.  So to have this fight be the result of Ron essentially feeling abandoned and then both of them being too stubborn to admit wrong is a good piece of writing.

#7 Broad City - Comedy Central (Season 2)

When Broad City writers run out of ideas - when they don't know how to fill the next episode - they have one of the most reliable formulas to turn to: just have Abbi and Ilana shoot the shit and talk about whatever the hell those two want to talk about in that episode.  Seriously, there's no way this show can fail when those two are doing their thing.  Add in about 3-5 minutes of Hannibal Buress - they've deployed him basically perfectly, always keeping us wanting more of him - and Broad City is good to go.

You know what I wish Broad City would do though?  Get rid of Bevers.  That actor is way too successful at making him a lazy, poaching boyfriend.  He sucks the life out of scenes for me.  There's also basically one joke here - a joke worthy of a one-episode appearance, not a recurring character.  The other supporting characters?  Paul Downs has done great work as Trey, making him more interesting and funnier this season.  Arturo Castro as Jaime is used even more sparingly than Buress, but he's also welcome to stay on this show for as long as it airs.  Lastly, everything involved with developing Jeremy into a more complex character was just amazing writing.  Speaking of which...

Model Episode - "Knockoffs" (S2 E4)

It's a tough pick for me between this and "Coat Check."  One the one hand, you have Kelly Ripa having a secret crazy side.  You also have Ilana find out she is in love with herself (duh).  But on the other hand, you have "pegging" and Susie Essman as Ilana's mother (perfect casting).  Ultimately I'm going with Knockoffs because, while funny, the Ripa story has been done before (Wayne Brady on The Chappelle Show) and I don't think I've ever seen an episode of television deal with pegging.

#6 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - FX (Season 10)

Can I just say that I probably suffer the same symptom about this show as I do with Parks and Recreation?  This is up there for my favorite comedies of all time.  The show is also as strong as its ever been in its tenth season.  There are a couple classics here, episodes that would rank among the show's very best.  The show has also so mastered its formula that it's middle-of-the-road episodes are more entertaining than most comedies out there.

While I definitely think It's Always Sunny belongs below the upcoming five spots for reasons I'll explain above, the decision whether to rank It's Always Sunny or Broad City higher was among my tougher decisions.  One spot doesn't really matter, but I could have gone either way.  Ultimately, I went with It's Always Sunny, because I just enjoy the show more.  I enjoy watching the show more than any other comedy.  Among the shows above this, a couple mine comedy from cringe-worthy situations which, while funny and often brilliant, aren't exactly enjoyable to watch.  Another couple shows develop comedy through characters' pain.  Neither of those things are problems with It's Always Sunny.  I can enjoy it guilt-free without feeling bad for the characters and since the characters have no shame, there's very little cringe comedy here.

Model Episode - "Charlie Work" (S10 E4)

Here's another show with two really tough picks for me.  It was between this and "The Gang Misses the Boat."  I went with "Charlie Work" because it's a drastic change from anything they've done before, while "The Gang Misses the Boat" is a different variation of a theme they've been doing for years (albeit with an ending they've certainly never done before).  This is essentially the show's version of the movie Birdman, even though apparently this was written and filmed well before that movie was in theaters (which is shocking really since it's so eerily similar between having "one shot" and the drums)

#5 Master of None - Netflix (Season 1)

Master of None is a good example of a show that would probably be lower, but I value originality in picking my spots.  The concept of the show itself isn't that original - a comedian who finds dating life hard - but in its perspective.  The show dealt with "Indians on TV" and how they were portrayed.  It dealt with immigrant parents who moved to America for a better life.  They also had a great episode about how men will leap to other men's defense even if you're a guy like Aziz Ansari on Master of None.

Even in the well-worn familiar territory of a couple dating, Master of None changed it up.  They have their first date over the whole episode in Nashville.  We experience their relationships over months through only their mornings.  The way they first met each other was also fairly atypical of a relationship that's supposed to last a year.  This show is a good example of how diversity can make a television premise that's been done to death (Seinfeld and Louie for one) seem original because it's being told from a new perspective.

Model Episode - "Indians on TV" (S1 E4)

I could have went several different ways with this pick, but I've seen relationship issues tackled before while I haven't seen this addressed on a television episode.  (Aziz has probably dealt with this in his standup, but HOT TAKE I don't think his stand-up is that great - which to be fair, I seem to only really like three or four stand-up acts)  I would really like to watch this episode RIGHT NOW, but I simply don't have time.

#4 Rick and Morty - Adult Swim (Season 2)

Let's get this out of the way.  "Get Schwifty" is terrible.  I don't really mean the episode, but holy shit that song sucks.  I have no idea how the same show that did "Goodbye Moonmen" made... whatever the hell that was.  Is it a commentary on how shitty pop music is?  I don't care, that song sucked.  The rest of the season was pretty fantastic.

This season seem to deal with Rick having more humanity due his growing connection with his grandchildren.  While Rick is becoming a better person (relatively speaking I guess - he does still tell both of his grandchildren "fuck you" in the finale after all), Morty is starting to get a bit darker.  Meanwhile, Summer gets more involved and Beth gets further development as a daughter terrified her father will leave her again.  And Jerry... is still Jerry.

Besides "Get Schwifty" it seems like every episode is at the very least very hilarious.  They have an inferior sequel to "Rixty Minutes" and as much as I enjoy "Big Trouble in Little Sanchez," they are dealing with material already explored.  But the rest are episodes of television that I would say must be watched.  (At that point, might as well just watch the rest of the series though.)

Model Episode - "The Wedding Squanchers" (S2 E10)

Of course I have to pick this episode.  Rick & Morty, before this episode, didn't really work for me in terms of emotional attachment.  It felt like The Simpsons/Futurama strategy; ignore really trying the emotional aspect until the last minute.  However, man does this episode land like a gut punch.  It finally emotionally affects me on this episode.  "Total Rickall" was also a classic.

#3 Nathan for You - Comedy Central (Season 3)

I really though this series would have a limited shelf life on being great television due to its very premise.  There's only so many places you can seemingly go.  After watching season two, I was actually kind of bummed, because I thought season three wouldn't be as good and I wanted Nathan for You to be represented on this list.  But I know nothing and this might have been even better than the second season.

In this season, Nathan challenges Best Buy's price match policy, creates a fitness regime where you move boxes, create a fake play so that people can smoke in a bar, and impersonate someone else so that they can be considered a hero.  All of these episodes have hilarious, natural twists that only a show like this could produce because he's dealing with real people's reactions.  The fitness regime spokesman turns out to be an expert liar - like he's willing to lie about anything and everything - and of course Nathan takes to being another person well by being able to connect better with people.

Nathan the character is a brilliant creation.  He's just a guy with poor social skills who wants a friend.  In this season, he's able to make a friend - a guy with hilariously flexible boundaries.  (I'm curious about that guy now that he's seen the show, although if that episode is any indication, he'll just take it in stride.  More likely, the show has told him what's what by now, but a man can dream.)  Oh my god this season also features porn actors loudly having sex near a small child in a soundproof fake spaceship.  How exactly is he allowed to do that?  This might be too low of a ranking the more segments that I remember that he did.

Model Episode - "Smoker's Allowed" (S3 E5)

There are a few options here, namely his stunt in "The Hero," his way to get workers to work for free by making it a fitness craze in "The Movement" or even his antics to get Best Buy to sell a rival store TVs for $1, but ultimately I have to go with "Smoker's Allowed."  More than others, this just seemed like they had an idea for one segment, the people reacted unexpectedly, and they ran with it.  They not only ran with it, they took it to absurd levels.

#2 You're the Worst - FX (Season 2)

This might be a bit aggressive.  This show takes their characters' emotions and puts it first and foremost.  It's more important than comedy.  However, a lot of times, the comedy is used in order to highlight characters' emotions.  It doesn't necessarily need to be one or the other.  For instance, and this is more prominent in season one, Edgar frequently displays symptoms of PSTD, but he does so in a way that is usually very funny.

The reason it's this high though is because of Aya Cash's performance and the way the show treats mental illness.  I mentioned above that Bojack Horseman paled in comparison to a show above and that show is You're the Worst.  Both tackle the same issues roughly speaking, but You're the Worst is so much better at it and it's not even like that's a weakness of Bojack Horseman.  It's a strength.  But that just speaks to the ability of the You're the Worst writers.

One, shall we say, weakness of this show is that it treats Kether Donohue oddly.  Like, we're just supposed to pretend she's a fat girl or something and not ridiculously attractive.  She's not miscast.  But I tend to think they had a different vision of the role at the beginning, liked her so much that they cast her, and then pretended as if nothing had changed.  I might be alone on this.  In any case, this show is well cast.  Chris Geere and Cash have great chemistry - obviously a very necessary component of making a show around one specific relationship.  Both excel at the serious, the emotional, and the comedic aspects of their character that are necessary for the show.  They also have a few very reliably funny side characters like the rappers and their fake turned real beef, Lindsay's ex Paul, and Vernon (who's way funnier and more complex than he has any right to be)

Model Episode - "LCD Soundsystem" (S2 E9)

Like pretty much all of the comedies towards the top, there were some strong contenders for this part.  "There is Currently Not a Problem" features Gretchen's breakdown and is probably Aya Cash's Emmy submission.  The finale "The Heat is a Dumb Dumb" also ends the season on a positive note, although this still involves Gretchen trying to hook up with Jimmy's almost-fling.  But ultimately I went with "LCD Soundsystem" because Gretchen lives vicariously through a neighboring couple and temporarily is able to convince herself of happiness based off their relationship.  Of course, this relationship isn't as great as it seems and Gretchen takes it pretty hard.

#1 Review - Comedy Central (Season 2)

Here's another Comedy Central show whose very premise seems very limited to creating amazing television.  It was hard to imagine how they could follow season one, but they managed to even outdo that season.  Forrest McNeil at this point has convinced himself that Review is this extremely important public service that he's doing.  He's got to believe that Review is "very important work."  Of course it's just a TV show where people get to watch a man continually humiliate and hurt himself.

Review presents a man who consistently lets the show ruin his life and is unable to see that.  Even when he becomes aware of the absurd number of injuries he suffers, he blames everyone but himself.  Granted, the producer Grant is one evil, manipulative son of bitch, but it's not as clear how much he's manipulating things behind the camera.  In this season, Forrest cycles through three girlfriends over the course of four episodes, one due to blackmail, one due to trying to have sex with her on a plane, and one because she took over the cult he started.  (Ah writing episode descriptions of this would be fun.)  He also gets shot with a gun, he gets shot with an arrow, he burns a house down, and he voluntarily gets buried alive.

Meanwhile as part of the deal for coming back on the show, Forrest gets two vetoes this year.  Needless to say if you've ever seen this show, but he of course uses both of his vetoes only for the worst possible request comes into play.  Seeing as this show IS his life, he feels compelled to actually take that action.  The cruel part of watching Review is that we want him to figure out that it's just a show, but we also want to watch him hurt himself and ruin his life, because it is endlessly hilarious and at times heartbreaking.

Model Episode - "Happiness, Pillow Fight, Imaginary Friend"

The imaginary friend segment is by far one of the most brilliant things the show's ever done.  And that's saying something.  I'm tempted to go with "Conspiracy Theory" because watching Forrest try to figure out the conspiracy of him continuously do tasks that end with him harming himself is thrilling.  But ultimately, the conclusion of "imaginary friend" - which I won't reveal - is somehow both insane and plausible in this world while also being devastating to watch.

Honorable Mentions

Traditional Network Sitcoms
Network television gets a deservedly bad rap.  However, it still has a few comedy programs worth watching while I'll make the hot take that you can safely just ignore any hourlong drama on network television with no problems.  The best of these is Brooklyn Nine-Nine.  It actually hurts me to not have it be put on this list.  Blackish is pretty hilarious despite the fact that ABC doesn't know how to title its goddamn shows.  (RIP Trophy Wife)  Similarly, Fresh off the Boat is mostly worth watching for the parents, played by Constance Wu and Randall Park.

Sketch Comedy
This gets its own section because I think by sketch comedy's design, it'd be hard for me to include it on a top ten list.  I tend to gravitate towards shows that have a heart, an underlying season-long narrative, or character progression (or all of them.)  Sketch comedies... don't really have this.  So Key & Peele deserves to be mentioned.  For Inside Amy Schumer, if I could isolate all her top sketches, it would make my list.  "12 Men Inside Amy Schumer" is one of the best comedy episodes of television I watched this year.  Unfortunately, I'm not doing that.  The problem is that she seems to have a pacing problem with her sketches - she has far too many either one-joke sketches or predictable sketches that just run at least a minute longer than they should.  But when a sketch is good, it's really  good like the Friday Night Lights parody focused on rape.

Other Comedies
It's a little unfair I never really considered Silicon Valley.  I don't know, this takes the place of Better Call Saul for the comedy post in that I can't really articulate why this show was always an honorable mention and never really considered for my top ten.  Archer's sixth season was going to be in my top ten, but once I watched most of the Comedy Centrals hows on Hulu, it was pretty clear that it wasn't possible.  Nonetheless Archer does have a rebound from its admirable, but failed Archer Vice experiment.  Lastly, two comedies that very possibly would have found a way on this list had I actually seen them are Community and Bob's Burgers.  In both instances, I'm a couple seasons behind and I'm pretty adamant about watching things in order.

Thanks for reading and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Knockoffs was the funniest episode of TV I saw this year. The transition from Jeremy as the heartthrob crush into... that... was amazing.
