Sunday, September 8, 2013

Breaking Bad: "To'hajiilee"



WOW!  So that just happened.  Each episode I've been impressed and shocked at how fast the plot is escalating and then I remember we only have "x" amount of episodes left in the series and it makes sense that the dominoes are falling as fast as they are.  That still didn't make this any less shocking.

Ok so I guess I'll start at the end of the episode since that's the freshest in my mind.  When Hank, Gomez, and Jesse showed up in the desert to greet Walt, I think we all knew that some way, somehow Walt was getting away.  That led to the inevitable conclusion that Hank and Gomez would probably end up dead.

And we all probably knew that Todd's cousins would ignore Walt and go towards the site anyway.  So while I was expecting the ending to some degree, it didn't lose any of its shock value because Hank's probably going to die.  Hank, the character we've spent five seasons with, will die most likely.  The deaths are going to start and main characters will start falling.

What a brilliant, brilliant plan by Hank and Jesse to outsmart Heisenberg who was tricked every step of the way.  First off, they go after Huell in a sort of genius idea to make Huell think he's going to die.  Poor Huell.  Basically, the writers came up with a plausible way for Huell to rat.  He thinks Jesse is dead (with a convincing picture) and it's hardly a stretch to assume that Saul would rat on him as long as it benefits Saul.

He reveals enough information for the rest of the plan to work, which basically is just that the money was in barrels.  They take a picture of the barrel with money inside of it, send it to Walt, and convince Walt that Jesse is going to burn the money.  I'm pretty sure Jesse has burned money before in this series so I think Walt takes this threat seriously.

Jesse remains a weakness for Walt as he would never believe Jesse would rat on him.  He doesn't even think it's a possibility.  As a side note, I think Todd's cousins knew that Jesse was a rat or a possible rat and it could have been a reason they decided to go to the site - besides the fact that they are crazy.

So Jesse's threatening to burn money he doesn't have and Walt falls hard for it.  His ego wouldn't allow his money to be burned.  Walt had the picture and he thinks Jesse found the GPS for his car, but if Walt would have put a little thought into it, how in the world would Jesse have obtained that information?  He'd need to be a cop because no way in hell would that company release that to an average citizen.  Then he would have known Jesse was working with Hank.

But Walt doesn't even think that's a possibility so he freely admits to all of his crimes, unknowingly screwing himself over.  He realizes it just in time to call his Nazi buddies to set up the end of the episode.  Now is the time when Walt starts getting people he cares about killed.  Does he still care about Hank?  At least enough to not want him killed.

Walt made a solid gamble on going to Andrea's and thinking it would lead Jesse there.  It probably would have worked too if not for the fact that Hank had Jesse's phone.  Either way, Walt was maybe a bit too confident it would have worked - which is usually the case with him.

The episode's open was probably the weakest of the season though I think that's more because of how strong the previous four were.  Walt is SO good at making meth, he's made Jesse his near equal and Todd a solid 76%.  Lydia would be satisfied except Todd's not sure how to make the meth blue.  I think needing Walt to teach Todd (and the millions of potential profits) provided Todd's cousins the necessary motivation to shoot at the end of the episode.  They need Walt and they need him alive.

I guess I should mention that they telegraphed Hank's potential death pretty clearly.  His phone conversation with Marie was as obvious a signal of "HEY THIS CHARACTER WILL DIE" as any I've seen in a while.  I know Hank's not dead yet, but if he survives this, he's Superman.  Also the flash-forward in the premiere indicates Walt is both free and without family so Hank dying would heavily support that.

Things are escalating quickly and the ending is near.  Still unclear how they get to the flash-forward from this point, but it's at least a little clearer.  Walt's arrested right now, but he looks to be free very soon - kind of - and he's likely responsible for yet another death.  Can't wait until next week.

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