Sunday, September 29, 2013

Top 10 Breaking Bad Episodes

In preparation for the final episode of Breaking Bad's run, I decided to write the top ten Breaking Bad episodes.  To be clear, these are the 10 episodes I think are the best, not necessarily my favorite episodes.  Most of them feature something shocking happen naturally.  This was written before the finale so that episode wasn't taken into consideration, but I don't think it would find it's way on here anyway.  If it would make it on this list, you can safely put Breaking Bad as my choice for the greatest series of all time.  So anyway, first the honorable mention episodes.

Honorable Mention
Better Caul Saul: Season 2, Episode 8
This episode deserves worthy mention for being Saul Goodman's first and best episode to date.  That's right, this is his best episode, his very first.  This is the episode you should watch to prepare for the upcoming series Better Call Saul.  With that said, there's also the great pre-credits sequence where Badger gets busted by the cop.

Hermanos - Season 4, Episode 8
This is really just here for Gus' flashback scene.  It gives the character of Gus more development.  Season 4, by the way, has by a good amount, the most episodes I considered.  This scene was also important for establishing Gus' need for revenge on Hector.

End Times - Season 4, Episode 12
Spoiler alert for the rest of this list: Face Off makes the list.  I consider End Times and Face Off to be kind of the same episode.  So consider Face Off's position to be both End Times and Face Off.  You can't really just watch the latter episode without the former otherwise it loses its value.  I mean they foreshadow Lilly of the Valley in this episode.

Say My Name - Season 5, Episode 7
Better Call Saul is Saul's best episode.  Unfortunately, Say My Name is Mike Ehrmantraut's best episode.  At least it's Jonathan Bank's best episode.  Besides that now iconic line, this episode features Jesse disillusioned with Walt, refusing to work with him anymore.  "Shut the fuck up and let me die in peace." (Gilligan really does find the most appropriate deaths for the big characters)

Confessions - Season 5, Episode 11
If you don't remember, this is the episode with the table side guacamole, the video confession of Walt claiming Hank is the mastermind, and the episode with the cliffhanger where Jesse almost burns Walt's house down.  Yeah, this is a pretty good episode to say the least.  He also coldly tells Walt Jr. about the cancer returning so that he will stay with him instead of going to Aunt Marie's.

10. Dead Freight, Season 5, Episode 5 
I realize I just named three season 5 episode in a row, but I guess that's just the way it's going.  Dead Freight is one of the more fun episodes in the series - until the end at least.  It's an awesome train robbery in the West.  And then an important, monumental event happens in the series - Todd kills Drew Sharp, a kid who just wanted a spider.  The pre-credit sequence makes the episode a lot better the second time you watch it - almost like a string of inevitable things will happen and he dies every time - sort of like what's happening to Walt over the series.

9. Sunset - Season 3, Episode 7
Breaking Bad reached a new peak with this episode - a peak they would further ascend in just the next episode.  With about 20 minutes to go, Hank is at the RV with Walt and Jesse inside of it - and there's still a ton of episode left.  Then they get out of it by getting Saul's assistant to call Hank and claim she was at the hospital.  It's cruel and it leads to Hank beating the shit out of Jesse.  It's a great and suspenseful hour of television.

8. Phoenix - Season 2, Episode 12
This is Walt's turning point from basically good man who just wants to provide for his family to a monster.  You could argue that Walt saved Jesse by murdering Jane.  You could argue that "Jane had it coming." (I cringe just writing that.)  But you'd be wrong.  He didn't let Jane die because he wanted to save Jesse.  He killed Jane because she was an enormous pain in his ass and not letting him control Jesse.  This episode also features what Walt proclaimed was his "perfect time to die" in a later episode.

7. Half Measures - Season 3, Episode 12
Half Measures features a lot of great scenes.  The pre-credits opening scene is one of Breaking Bad's better montages featuring Wendy, a hooker, doing her thing to the song "Windy," a classic hit song by The Association.  Walt tries to save Jesse by telling Gus about it.  Gus tells the two drug dealers - "No more children."  I think they misinterpret (or Gus is an extremely cold dude) and kill the 11-year-old Tomas.  Then the ending sequence happens where Walt runs over the dealers with a car, shoots one directly in the head, and says "run."  Walt goes on to ruin all his good deeds in the next episode, but hey at least he saved Jesse here.

6. Crawl Space - Season 4, Episode 11
The back half of Season 4 of Breaking Bad is the best stretch of this series ever.  Every episode escalates the action.  The ending was able to convey perfectly the feeling of everything closing in on Walt until he devolves to madness, laughing like a maniac.  It also features the funny scene of Bill Burr and Lavell Crawford (who I fear will forever be stuck in that hotel room) getting Ted to pay the IRS already.  Then Ted tries to escape and injures himself.  The image of Ted in Season 5 takes away the humor in that fall a bit though.

5. Pilot - Season 1, Episode 1
For as good as the pilot was, it's kind of amazing to be able to say that there were four episodes that exceeded it.  Hell, some of the episodes I have below it might technically have been better.  But the pilot draws you in immediately and while Season 1 may have not been your cup of tea, I don't think anyone stopped watching BECAUSE of the pilot.  It forces you to find out how this man has come to this point - in his tidy whities driving an RV with three passed out people in it.

4. Salud, Season 4 Episode 10
Jesse gets taken to Mexico to teach the cartel how to cook blue meth.  Jesse straight up owns their top chemist in a scene where he skeptically dismisses Jesse.  Jesse cooks 96% quality, pleasing all there.  Then he finds out he needs to stay there and Mike informs Jesse that if Jesse stays, everyone is staying.  So the audience is clued in that something is up - and that something comes to beautiful fruition when Gus kills the cartel using poison (If you want the music to that scene, it's called "Tidal Wave" by The Oh Sees).  Walt also shares his first "real" moment with Walt Jr. after he got beat up by Jesse in "Bug."

3. Face Off - Season 4, Episode 13
Like I said above, you can't really include this episode without End Times.  Walt has finally gone just about as far as you can go - poisoning a kid.  You could say "Well Walt knew that kid wasn't going to die," to which I say "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" - Anyway, the conclusion to Gus' death is perfect, his lone weakness being his downfall.  So sad to see you go Gus and I'd much rather you better Walter White than the Neo Nazis in Season 5.

2. One Minute - Season 3, Episode 7
I think this is a bit of a surprise, but I assure you this pick is for much more than just the scene where Hank survives the cousin.  Hank finally just accepts his punishment and admits to his crimes.  Then he goes into the elevator and Marie and Hank cry their eyes out.  Hank has reached a state of acceptance and tranquility and he's finally himself for the first time since he shot Tuco.  And then he gets shot four times.  Dammit.  Go back and watch this episode and you'll realize how damn good it is.

1. Ozymandias - Season 5, Episode 14
Maybe this is recency bias, but I think this episode goes down in the annals of TV history.  Wow what an hour where the audience pretty much has everything they have been waiting for happen in a single hour.  Right away, Hank dies and thank you Vince Gilligan for giving him an awesome death.  (Also R.I.P. Gomie)  Walt loses most of his $80 million in cash.  (69 to be exact.  Oh Gilligan, you dog)  Walt tells Jesse about Jane which should theoretically squash any theory that Walt will save Jesse in this final episode.  Jesse is held slave to the Neo Nazis, perpetually forced to cook meth.  Walt and Skylar get in a knife fight.  Walt steals Holly.  Walt finally does one decent thing for his family, albeit laced in truths and very real hate.  This hour of television is among the most heartbreaking and shocking as television can ever get.

Hopefully the finale can find its way on this list in the future and hope everyone enjoys this article as a precursor to the final episode!

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